Friday, October 21, 2011

RE) not sure what to think about gaming

when reading Ming's  post about how he likes to play viddeo games totally made me wonder and think if thats what my brother thinks about them all the time. he plays them like everyday, im pretty sure its just fun for him to play games that are like online and can talk and play with friends at the same time. which i admitt is pretty awesome thing to do.
"It's reasonable and understandable because none of parents would want to see their kids to play games so much and ignore other kinds of stuff that's important to them"
even though i dont really play video games at all anymore, i can totally relate to what he said becasue i see how my brother plays and how it affects his relationship with our parents especialy our mother. it kinda sucks because when ever they have little arguments about how much time he spends playing on his system i feel torn about who to back up. i isntantly want to be at my brothers side rootiing for him, but its hard to when i dont understand why he likes it so much and does it all the time. i used to think he had 'no life' becasue of it but i have now realized that the way he socializes is just different then the way i do. i can imagine though itsprobably a relife from stressful situtations, just kinda living in a different world momentarily. i think its pretty cool how hes just so good at every game he plays, he used to say he want to be a game tester and get paid to try out games for fifferent companies, let me tell you he would be awesome at that.
ive tried playing on a team with him in like some military/sharp shooter game, yeah i sucked long story short.

This is a hard issue to to try and work out because of the fact that the agriculture that is getting sprayed with the pedicel killer is very important to the way of life for many people. I feel like this is one of those things that can be easily turned into a vicious cycle because they need the food to grow. Its one way that makes sure that they can eat it and that it is worth selling, by using pesticides. I know that a lot of the produce that we buy at grocery stores have produce that are give hormones and have been sprayed with pesdices, because that’s what makes money, “good” looking food that doesn’t look like it has been touched by bugs or anything. I know here it’s hard enough to get produce that isn’t contaminated by chemicals or other things like that because that would make them organic and more expensive. Lots of people tend not to eat fruits and vegetables as much as they should and having to pay more the good actually healthy ones for you doesn’t help the decision to eat better. I’m pretty sure there are laws here in the US about pesdices, like only certain ones are allowed. I think. But it sucks that in India the chemical levels are so high and I’m sure it’s frustrating because there is little that people can do right away. Like most problems it seems, there isn’t a quick fix that can last and be beneficial.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(FR ) Blog Posts

For my free post im going to write about how I truely and honestly do  not like writing posts on blogger. Its not that I don’t like blogger its self, I just don’t like typing and writing. The first thing I thought of when mr. sutherland said that we have to write posts was, im not gona do them. It takes up way to much of my time I don’t like it I could be doing other things, like homework for other classes. I don’t like the curent events, that’s probably my least favorite out of the three types of weekly posts.
I don’t know how to why the curent events arent my favorite they just arent. Like most of the news thing dont have anything to do with something I, as a high school student in alameda, should be concerned with. like most of the time i have to froce myself to write 250 words on something i dont care about. i know that sounds horrible and ignorant, but i cant help it cause thats how i feel. I feel like writing three posts a week isnt helping my writing because its so unpersonal. It used to be teachers telling you and correcting your writing right next to you. The posts to me are uncessary and don’t help me learn. i havent noticed any changes because i dont like to write so the blog posts are more like a chore and after they are done i dont pay attention to them. why would you look back and try to analyze something you didnt even want to write in the first place.?
I also don’t think it’s a good idea for the teachers to have students post things online. It just seams like too big of a hasel to make instruction and make sure all of your students know what to do and keep tract of who is doing them and how to give grades for them. It takes for ever to read all the posts and even longer to reply to some of them. So much stress just over blog posts.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

(CE) No pictures please

Al Jazeera: Us tries to block release of Bin Laden images

Obama has decided that he doesn’t want to let the public see any of the pictures of Bin Laden’s death because it might cause problems with the national relations. From what I read in the article, I think that Obama really shouldn’t make any inconclusive decisions about what he thinks the public might think.
There is an Act that is called: Freedom of Information Act. This Act gives the public the right to know what’s going on in the world and has the right to see pictures about any event if willing to handle the news.
If everyone remembers on May 1, 2011, Osama Bin Laden was killed by a group of NAVY Seals in Pakistan in his compound. This event was something that really got everyone stirred up, because there are some people who were really happy, mostly the people who were really affected by the incident, and there were others who weren’t affected but they still were happy.
On the other hand, there are still some people who can’t believe he’s dead until they see pictures, which is where this article comes into play. I don’t think that Obama has any right to decide whether or not the public should or shouldn’t be allowed to see the pictures.  THERE’S AN ACT!
On one hand, Obama is trying to protect the security of his country and make sure that the national relationships they have will stay intact. On the other hand, there are many people all over the country who still feel that the only way they will really know he’s dead is when they finally see some proof (i.e. the pictures).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

RE) i miss A's games

i got this from Lauren Gross's blog :
The game that night was Star Wars themed. I have no clue why. But, the mascot, Stomper was dressed up as Yoda, and there were Storm Troopers walking around the aisles. It was pretty funny.

I’m sad that I didn’t go to this game, my dad and brother went, and when I got home and found out I was jealous. It sounded really fun and I wish I could have gone. I think I’ve been to about 5 games this year I think and the first one was opening day and the second was for my birthday where we got a suit and watched the game from one of those rooms with those big windows. I love going to the A’s games even if they don’t win because it fun just being at the coliseum. In past years I would go to the games with just my dad because he would get off work early just in time for a 6 o’clock game. It was fun when we did that I would like to do that more because it was nice to hang out with my dad and just talk about things and pay hella money for diner lol. Its al apart of the experience of going to a baseball game.  I’ve never gone to the spring training for the A’s and I would really want to because I think they are in Arizona most of the time I’m not sure thought. I think it would just be a good excuse to go to Arizona and hangout with family. I would really like to go to an A’s game with my whole family here and have a bbq in the parking lo cause I haven’t done that with them in soo long.

free post) enrique!

His name was Enrique, he had a lively personality and much appreciated by all. He had very important duties in the summer and the spring, basically when it was nice out and people want to play, that’s when his job would start. During the night is when he would relax and have conversation with his coworkers about the day and gossip about who was cool or who was painfully obnoxious.
As the years went by he became more and more tired, worn out and dull. His coworkers were being replaced and new ones were hired and didn’t have the same things in common with Enrique as his older coworkers had. He began to get worked more and was taking more hours as normal. He started to get up there in years of age when he was transferred to a different facility.  By this point he was tired beyond belief. He began to get brittle and he knew that his time for being replaced was coming soon. Others were whispering when he would walk by, wondering why he hadn’t been replaced yet, maybe it was because it was too much time and paper work,?
Finally that day came and Enrique was let go, in his mind he thought the retirement home he was sent to was so bad it was basically a box. After awhile of being in there he pasted away but with an interesting twist, he had spent most of his time in the sun he acquired a rare disease that caused him to crack all over and turn a rusted color and turned a reddish dust.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

biweekly post: essay rought draft #2

Over the summer I visited the island of Hawaii with my family. We were with some friends and, friends of friends that lived in a less touristy part of the island. This experience was important to me because it opened a whole new door to the way other people live. When you got to the house, first of all you couldn’t tell it was a house because it was small and hidden by the forest like agriculture and almost none existent mail box, there was a short dirty wet drive way that practically went through a tree. There was no cable, let alone t.v. with basic channels, no cell phone service, no safe tap water, thousands of bugs trying to eat you any time you were outside. I think it was important because it made me realize how good I have it where I live, and I take that for granted too much of the time. I got used to my surroundings later rather than sooner, I was just starting like this more simple way of living and then we had to leave, Hawaii definitely taught me how to appreciate nature, the style I live, and that with less isn’t necessarily a horrible thing.
I have more pride in myself after coming back from Hawaii, because I don’t feel as materialist as I used to be. While in Hawaii I learned to use my time for much more entertaining and enjoyable things that benefited me, such as swimming all day instead of sitting watching TV or face booking. I feel more rounded as a person since I got to go to Hawaii and meet people that have been living just as well as me but in a different life style, it was very inspirational.  It made me think that if everyone lived with less than it would be easier for people to feel better and be more proud about themselves and the way they live in an environmentally challenged world. It also makes me proud because not many people get to learn about different cultures by directly going and seeing what it’s like to be in the middle of it. It was amazing being around people that were so nice to everyone and polite, because I feel I honestly learned more ways to be patient and politeness from them.
This relates to the kind of person I am because I try to be polite to people I don’t know or haven’t known for that long. I like being thought of as ‘that nice girl’, because everyone is friends with her and I feel that being in Hawaii reassured me that being nice is definitely something I would be proud of. The other way this experience relates to me is that I can be pretty cautious about the earth I try not to use anything that can’t be recycled or composted, if everyone did more of those two things the world would be in a better shape, and I hope that in the future I can help speed up that process.

Friday, September 23, 2011

When i saw the title for this video, something about making class rooms out of bottles, i got excited because the group that is making these rooms and class rooms out of the materials that they would throw away is awsome. It is a great way to be causios about the earth and what people can go in a world where there and more and more reasons to become more awhere of the state of the world and trying to keep track of the waste being thrown away.
I think if every country that doesnt reall have the same supplies and budgets as other countries i think that useing what they do have is smart

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

FREE) the bf's family

      im so glad my boyfriends family loves me, i couldnt deal with if they didnt. i wouldnt be invited to dinners and that would be sad people. his mother is the best cook i know, hands down. i love going over to his house cause it means home-made food! i dont know how she does it, i cook stay by her side adn study the way she cooks for weeks and i still couldnt make the same things as good.
       like tonight, it was the jv football team dinner and as the whole team knows already she is the best cook ever. she made the most delicious lassagnea and garlic bread, it was heaven and thats not even mentioning the brownies that attended the party, omg thee best brownies you could have. i  think his step dad makes them but i mean everything together was just amazing, but they are just so moist and chewy, like little god like chocolate evles made them, (seriously i think i saw one tryna sneak out the house tho). everything food related that comes out that houses kitchen is so unbelieveably good, even if you are completely full you try to eat more cause it just tastes so good and i swear it makes you feel better after eating it, like ive heard of eating your sorrows but its serious and for real in thats house, im sad i had to leave tonight, not that there where any left overs(cause the team ate everything) but i swear the food in that house abosrbs the good energy that is always there and certainly helps the food taste good.
      and well im not saying that the food is the only thats good, its just one of the perks. i love just hanging out with them, like something i would do at home that would be boring, deffinatly wouldnt be boring with them.

(RE) so much to think about

I totallt feel the same way as
but dang so much to do in a little of time. i dont know if i am the only one here, but i am so stressed out this over whelming process.
Im definatly feeling the pressure to do things and fill things out before due dates. so dominique is not the only one and im sure im not the only one that agrees with her. i dont think i took the perevious year as seriously as i should have because now i just feel so out of place, like its almost not real. im pretty sure my mind donst think its going to college in a year or so. this whole process of SATs and apps and forms and everyother type of financial aid is super over whelming.
   its a little frustrating to think about the future and colleges, because i didnt think it would as big a deal as i now realize it is. it sucks because my moms all over me about where i want to go and what i should do practice for the SATs, are you serious? like ive practice for a test my whole like yeah nice try, my parents expsect a reasonalbe amount but ive never practice for test, got me trippin. but it helps and all that jazz. i could just go to a community college righ?lol
   on one hand i want to get the furthest away from alameda as possible but then i still want to be able to see my family and my boyfriend. its this whole love hate thing, i love that im graduating, i hate that hes not. i love that i could go to an out of state college, i hate that i wont wake up hekka late with my family already having been awake for hours. i have family in the states i would want to go to, but not really close family. there is still just way to much to think about and process within a few months.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

biweekly post: essay rought draft

               Throughout my life I have gone through different stages where I would change what my hobbies were because of what classes I was taking or what my prospective of the world was like at the time. Now that I am more mature and have many experiences with different hobbies, such as drawing and sports, I realize I never let go of my interest in cooking. I like how with cooking you can let go of you worries and just focus on the food. It can always distract you from the real world, and I believe that is what makes great tasting food, when you are only concentrated on the process and ingredients and what should and shouldn’t be added. Cooking is the only science I have ever enjoyed. Some may disagree that cooking isn’t a science because you are just putting ingredients together but I truly believe it is, because in order to make good food that people would enjoy there needs to be a balance and an order and a technique to the way that the ingredients are put together. No matter how old I was, I have always been curious of this order and sought guidance by helping my family cook whenever I could.  
               My family, being mostly Mexican, has always been the type of family that is brought together by the food of our culture and its rich flavors. Every chance I get I try to help and learn from my grandmother, on my dad’s side, with making dishes for events or holidays such as birthdays and Christmas. I love cooking because when it’s done right it can bring people together and let them have an experience that they can share. In my family we have family friends that own a restaurant that has been in his family for a long time. I look up to him because i go there a lot with my family, and I see how happy he can make his customers, that have been going there ever since and are more like long time friends, so happy and welcomed. Almost everyone in my family has said ‘we should have our own restaurant or businesses’ at one point or another.  
               In the future my goal is to make that pounder or thought into a reality, by going to college and becoming a Hospitality/Restaurant/Business major and opening my own hotel/restaurant. Before my senior year I did not know that I wanted this, I thought I wanted to go into graphic designing. I like art and creating things that can have a deeper meaning, but now I realized that isn’t completely relevant with the way I think any more. By cooking and owning my own business I can give a deeper meaning through my food and experience that people would get by being at my hotel. My hopes and dreams revolve around this goal and it is what I truly look forward to in the future. I know I will try my hardest and do whatever it takes to make this goal be realistic because it will make me feel accomplished in life, and I will have become independent in a way I’m comfortable in and be able to offer that feeling of comfort and joy to others.

Monday, September 12, 2011

(re) i hate scams

MarCaoile's Blog
 I heard these people would also ask if they can connect to your PC and might also plant other stuff on your computer and steal some information. Well the basic guidance is to be suspicious when people call you from put of the blue.
Omg, so when i read this i have to admit it reminded me of my mom, she basically ends up screaming and pissed off when ever she gets off the phone and i alway used to look at her crazy cause i thought that she didnt have to yell, but after i read this and thought about it, im most likely never picking up my phone unless i know the number. i would do the samething if this happened to me, why do people have to be so weird and disrespectfull like. i feel bad for all the people that got screwed over by that trick. if i hadnt read this post i think i would have belived them because im not really in the knowing of whats going on with my computer, if someone was to tell me somthing was wrong, id be like omy gosh can you fix it. im so gulible when it comes to computers and phone stuff, i would knnow how to see if someone was trying to trick me about my technology for my life, if i ever get a call like that one im gona scream and hang up,But know that ive read this post and know about this scam im going to try not to believe anyone talking about my computer if they aren’t right in front of me actually trying help. Did I metion that people are mean weird for this like I never thought something like this would happen.

(free) magical forest?

let your mind go blank, think about that now. what does it look like? this is just something that came up when i let my mind go blank :)

Mountainous trees, the reddest redwoods, they all climb higher and higher with a dark burnt moss growing on their sides and into the cracks and crevasses of their bodies. You could smell the freshness of the thin waxy leaves dangling in the twilight mist. The sky is quite blue, when you can look past the thick screens which are made of the leaves on long lean arm like branches. The location of this forest is known to few, only the ones that live there can know. With not many animals and creatures dwelling in this magical forest, one would think that no life exists; it is too dark every second of the day. Time never travels while in this forest, only the legend of which travels. It is not common sense for these creatures that live on this unknown hillside surrounded by trees, to know that they are being cut off from others like their own kind. It is too quiet all the time, it is too enchanting to have real living beings in it; one would expect a creature such as a unicorn or a leprechaun to live here. But as the black blue night comes to a fall, you can see the sparkling tear like dew being created from the night’s sadness to leave cover the plants and moss beneath the skyscraper-esque trees. And with the new day starting, a new legend begins that contains the description of these creatures and what they do in this magical forest.

Friday, September 9, 2011

i finally finishes my blogs i was worried that i went to the games and i hadnt started on my third one, that i wasnt gona be able to get the last one done in time. but here i am with all three done with 24 mins to spare :)


so i find it interesting that cities and the city of New York is taking precautions  because of possible terrist attacks. I understand that no wants another 9/11 but I feel that this is exactly what al-Qaeda wants. A lot of attention and everybody worried and scared. In my opinion if the police and everybody were so concentrated in protecting one part of the country, I think if there were to be an attack it would be somewhere entirely different. And not just because there’s cops and swat and whoever else is walking around in New York, ‘they’ whether it be al-Qaeda or any other terrist group, I do not know, would find a way to to sneak into a city and have 9/11happen again because they have done it before and according to government ‘they’ are trying to do it again.
               I heard in gov. class today that 9/11 was also a possibability of ‘they’ mocking our emergency system. I thought that was a very interesting point, that would make sure. I don’t have proof, but I imagine that a good amount of people in the world trad center were calling and dialing 911. I would be so scared and terrified if had to call 911 for an emergency, but there was no help, I would be hopeless tired, I pray to god I don’t/my family doesn’t have to go through anything like that. I cant even imagine what I would think about I feel like my mind would be blank and alone. I deeply feel for all the families that had horrible new that day and had/have to deal with the loss of their loved ones.

(RE) to brianna

Brianna's blog:
In class there was something said about how we don't really know what actually happen, who was involved, and what some of the view points were. I think the only ones who would really know the answers to any of those questions are those who were actually a part of it at the time.

 i think that the government wouldnt want us,americans, to find out what and who things really happened. this idea is also started by a peice of information that i found out in gov like last period. almost a month before 9/11 the president, Bush got a notice that attacks might be being planned and he was just chilling at his ranch taking a vacation for the first month of his term. so hes at this ranch doing whatever because he doesnt think ntional threats are a problem and then a month later 9/11 happens so obviously he wasnt apart of it directly cause he just didnt care. national threats arent important enought to actually work. for the first time today i saw a video for the building going down and i couldnt belive that they collapsed because a plane flew into them,like i think there was way too much time for it to be caused by the planes. and this goes back to who actually was involved and with out them we may not know what actually happened. there was talk in class yesterday that our own government was responsable for that day , as if it wasplanned by our government specifically. whether i agree with that im not quite sure but i have my doubts about the governments reasons on why they would blame someone else. so yeah i agree with brianna in a sences that we dont really know who was involved but also how willingly i will be able to trust myown government.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Well this will take some getting used to but i think by the end of the year i think i will enjoy posting things on my new blog, course by the end of the year it wont really be new, but whatever. (it probably wont take till the end of the year though)

 so at first i was worried that i would have anything to say on here, but dang our class discussions 4th period sure do get your head thinking, i know it got mine working.

Today was a bit interesting when we got talking about 9/11 for the 10 year anniversary coming up, big topic right? well yeah, lets just say for me it was pretty intense. so much was getting out there and being talked about i didnt know how to think about it. first of all i dont even remember 9/11, i now i was like 7 but i already have bad memory so yeah i dont remember that day. I almost feel horrible saying this because of all the lives lost, but i dont think it changed my life very much, even without remembering im sure i didnt understand what the significance of that event was.
But the discussions in the class and what people were talking about really got to me, im not sure why, like ive hered worse new before, i guess today was an off day from my emotional defense. At one point I was fighting back tears, yeah I felt weird I was all self-cautious (I don’t like it when people see me cry just fyi), it brought up some un dealt with issues in my life, one subject specifically that I might talk about later on here, but im not sure.

On the up side after the quick writes were over and lunch began my happy-go-lucky life started up again, so yea!