Tuesday, September 27, 2011

biweekly post: essay rought draft #2

Over the summer I visited the island of Hawaii with my family. We were with some friends and, friends of friends that lived in a less touristy part of the island. This experience was important to me because it opened a whole new door to the way other people live. When you got to the house, first of all you couldn’t tell it was a house because it was small and hidden by the forest like agriculture and almost none existent mail box, there was a short dirty wet drive way that practically went through a tree. There was no cable, let alone t.v. with basic channels, no cell phone service, no safe tap water, thousands of bugs trying to eat you any time you were outside. I think it was important because it made me realize how good I have it where I live, and I take that for granted too much of the time. I got used to my surroundings later rather than sooner, I was just starting like this more simple way of living and then we had to leave, Hawaii definitely taught me how to appreciate nature, the style I live, and that with less isn’t necessarily a horrible thing.
I have more pride in myself after coming back from Hawaii, because I don’t feel as materialist as I used to be. While in Hawaii I learned to use my time for much more entertaining and enjoyable things that benefited me, such as swimming all day instead of sitting watching TV or face booking. I feel more rounded as a person since I got to go to Hawaii and meet people that have been living just as well as me but in a different life style, it was very inspirational.  It made me think that if everyone lived with less than it would be easier for people to feel better and be more proud about themselves and the way they live in an environmentally challenged world. It also makes me proud because not many people get to learn about different cultures by directly going and seeing what it’s like to be in the middle of it. It was amazing being around people that were so nice to everyone and polite, because I feel I honestly learned more ways to be patient and politeness from them.
This relates to the kind of person I am because I try to be polite to people I don’t know or haven’t known for that long. I like being thought of as ‘that nice girl’, because everyone is friends with her and I feel that being in Hawaii reassured me that being nice is definitely something I would be proud of. The other way this experience relates to me is that I can be pretty cautious about the earth I try not to use anything that can’t be recycled or composted, if everyone did more of those two things the world would be in a better shape, and I hope that in the future I can help speed up that process.

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