Friday, October 21, 2011

RE) not sure what to think about gaming

when reading Ming's  post about how he likes to play viddeo games totally made me wonder and think if thats what my brother thinks about them all the time. he plays them like everyday, im pretty sure its just fun for him to play games that are like online and can talk and play with friends at the same time. which i admitt is pretty awesome thing to do.
"It's reasonable and understandable because none of parents would want to see their kids to play games so much and ignore other kinds of stuff that's important to them"
even though i dont really play video games at all anymore, i can totally relate to what he said becasue i see how my brother plays and how it affects his relationship with our parents especialy our mother. it kinda sucks because when ever they have little arguments about how much time he spends playing on his system i feel torn about who to back up. i isntantly want to be at my brothers side rootiing for him, but its hard to when i dont understand why he likes it so much and does it all the time. i used to think he had 'no life' becasue of it but i have now realized that the way he socializes is just different then the way i do. i can imagine though itsprobably a relife from stressful situtations, just kinda living in a different world momentarily. i think its pretty cool how hes just so good at every game he plays, he used to say he want to be a game tester and get paid to try out games for fifferent companies, let me tell you he would be awesome at that.
ive tried playing on a team with him in like some military/sharp shooter game, yeah i sucked long story short.

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