Friday, September 9, 2011


so i find it interesting that cities and the city of New York is taking precautions  because of possible terrist attacks. I understand that no wants another 9/11 but I feel that this is exactly what al-Qaeda wants. A lot of attention and everybody worried and scared. In my opinion if the police and everybody were so concentrated in protecting one part of the country, I think if there were to be an attack it would be somewhere entirely different. And not just because there’s cops and swat and whoever else is walking around in New York, ‘they’ whether it be al-Qaeda or any other terrist group, I do not know, would find a way to to sneak into a city and have 9/11happen again because they have done it before and according to government ‘they’ are trying to do it again.
               I heard in gov. class today that 9/11 was also a possibability of ‘they’ mocking our emergency system. I thought that was a very interesting point, that would make sure. I don’t have proof, but I imagine that a good amount of people in the world trad center were calling and dialing 911. I would be so scared and terrified if had to call 911 for an emergency, but there was no help, I would be hopeless tired, I pray to god I don’t/my family doesn’t have to go through anything like that. I cant even imagine what I would think about I feel like my mind would be blank and alone. I deeply feel for all the families that had horrible new that day and had/have to deal with the loss of their loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. hey i did a response to your blog. check it out:
