Wednesday, September 21, 2011

(RE) so much to think about

I totallt feel the same way as
but dang so much to do in a little of time. i dont know if i am the only one here, but i am so stressed out this over whelming process.
Im definatly feeling the pressure to do things and fill things out before due dates. so dominique is not the only one and im sure im not the only one that agrees with her. i dont think i took the perevious year as seriously as i should have because now i just feel so out of place, like its almost not real. im pretty sure my mind donst think its going to college in a year or so. this whole process of SATs and apps and forms and everyother type of financial aid is super over whelming.
   its a little frustrating to think about the future and colleges, because i didnt think it would as big a deal as i now realize it is. it sucks because my moms all over me about where i want to go and what i should do practice for the SATs, are you serious? like ive practice for a test my whole like yeah nice try, my parents expsect a reasonalbe amount but ive never practice for test, got me trippin. but it helps and all that jazz. i could just go to a community college righ?lol
   on one hand i want to get the furthest away from alameda as possible but then i still want to be able to see my family and my boyfriend. its this whole love hate thing, i love that im graduating, i hate that hes not. i love that i could go to an out of state college, i hate that i wont wake up hekka late with my family already having been awake for hours. i have family in the states i would want to go to, but not really close family. there is still just way to much to think about and process within a few months.

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