Thursday, September 29, 2011

(CE) No pictures please

Al Jazeera: Us tries to block release of Bin Laden images

Obama has decided that he doesn’t want to let the public see any of the pictures of Bin Laden’s death because it might cause problems with the national relations. From what I read in the article, I think that Obama really shouldn’t make any inconclusive decisions about what he thinks the public might think.
There is an Act that is called: Freedom of Information Act. This Act gives the public the right to know what’s going on in the world and has the right to see pictures about any event if willing to handle the news.
If everyone remembers on May 1, 2011, Osama Bin Laden was killed by a group of NAVY Seals in Pakistan in his compound. This event was something that really got everyone stirred up, because there are some people who were really happy, mostly the people who were really affected by the incident, and there were others who weren’t affected but they still were happy.
On the other hand, there are still some people who can’t believe he’s dead until they see pictures, which is where this article comes into play. I don’t think that Obama has any right to decide whether or not the public should or shouldn’t be allowed to see the pictures.  THERE’S AN ACT!
On one hand, Obama is trying to protect the security of his country and make sure that the national relationships they have will stay intact. On the other hand, there are many people all over the country who still feel that the only way they will really know he’s dead is when they finally see some proof (i.e. the pictures).

1 comment:

  1. I'm conflicted about this myself. On the one hand, I think the people who will refuse to believe that Bin Laden is dead, will refuse to believe it even if they DO see pictures. ("They were photoshopped! He's still alive!") And I also think it's kind of a weird trophy to publish the photo of a corpse...I just think that's sorta twisted in a way.

    But you're right. There IS a law about this...

    Sigh. Reality is complicated.
