Wednesday, September 21, 2011

FREE) the bf's family

      im so glad my boyfriends family loves me, i couldnt deal with if they didnt. i wouldnt be invited to dinners and that would be sad people. his mother is the best cook i know, hands down. i love going over to his house cause it means home-made food! i dont know how she does it, i cook stay by her side adn study the way she cooks for weeks and i still couldnt make the same things as good.
       like tonight, it was the jv football team dinner and as the whole team knows already she is the best cook ever. she made the most delicious lassagnea and garlic bread, it was heaven and thats not even mentioning the brownies that attended the party, omg thee best brownies you could have. i  think his step dad makes them but i mean everything together was just amazing, but they are just so moist and chewy, like little god like chocolate evles made them, (seriously i think i saw one tryna sneak out the house tho). everything food related that comes out that houses kitchen is so unbelieveably good, even if you are completely full you try to eat more cause it just tastes so good and i swear it makes you feel better after eating it, like ive heard of eating your sorrows but its serious and for real in thats house, im sad i had to leave tonight, not that there where any left overs(cause the team ate everything) but i swear the food in that house abosrbs the good energy that is always there and certainly helps the food taste good.
      and well im not saying that the food is the only thats good, its just one of the perks. i love just hanging out with them, like something i would do at home that would be boring, deffinatly wouldnt be boring with them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Natalie, I responded to you post! I hope things will be good with you for a loong time :D

  3. This is a super-cute post...the bit about the food has me smiling. One big issue though: SENTENCES! Many many run-ons here. One example:

    "i think his step dad makes them but i mean everything together was just amazing, but they are just so moist and chewy, like little god like chocolate evles made them, (seriously i think i saw one tryna sneak out the house tho)."

    Should be:

    I think his step dad makes them. But everything together was amazing. They are so moist and chewy, like little god like chocolate evles made them. (Seriously i think i saw one tryna sneak out the house tho.)

    I made some cuts and some breaks. See how I did that? This is a big change and will help your writing tons. Take a look at some older posts and see if you find any other out-of-control sentences you can break down...
