Friday, September 9, 2011

(RE) to brianna

Brianna's blog:
In class there was something said about how we don't really know what actually happen, who was involved, and what some of the view points were. I think the only ones who would really know the answers to any of those questions are those who were actually a part of it at the time.

 i think that the government wouldnt want us,americans, to find out what and who things really happened. this idea is also started by a peice of information that i found out in gov like last period. almost a month before 9/11 the president, Bush got a notice that attacks might be being planned and he was just chilling at his ranch taking a vacation for the first month of his term. so hes at this ranch doing whatever because he doesnt think ntional threats are a problem and then a month later 9/11 happens so obviously he wasnt apart of it directly cause he just didnt care. national threats arent important enought to actually work. for the first time today i saw a video for the building going down and i couldnt belive that they collapsed because a plane flew into them,like i think there was way too much time for it to be caused by the planes. and this goes back to who actually was involved and with out them we may not know what actually happened. there was talk in class yesterday that our own government was responsable for that day , as if it wasplanned by our government specifically. whether i agree with that im not quite sure but i have my doubts about the governments reasons on why they would blame someone else. so yeah i agree with brianna in a sences that we dont really know who was involved but also how willingly i will be able to trust myown government.

1 comment:

  1. first off i would like to say that you using my post to do yoyr response post is awesome :) second i agree if bush was just vacationing when he found out about the attacks then obviously he wasnt a very good president to begin with, but not only that but he wasnt even doing his job or even taking it seriously. like who runs for president and doesnt take it seriously, if you want to vacation then retire but dont run for president u know? haha
