Tuesday, September 13, 2011

biweekly post: essay rought draft

               Throughout my life I have gone through different stages where I would change what my hobbies were because of what classes I was taking or what my prospective of the world was like at the time. Now that I am more mature and have many experiences with different hobbies, such as drawing and sports, I realize I never let go of my interest in cooking. I like how with cooking you can let go of you worries and just focus on the food. It can always distract you from the real world, and I believe that is what makes great tasting food, when you are only concentrated on the process and ingredients and what should and shouldn’t be added. Cooking is the only science I have ever enjoyed. Some may disagree that cooking isn’t a science because you are just putting ingredients together but I truly believe it is, because in order to make good food that people would enjoy there needs to be a balance and an order and a technique to the way that the ingredients are put together. No matter how old I was, I have always been curious of this order and sought guidance by helping my family cook whenever I could.  
               My family, being mostly Mexican, has always been the type of family that is brought together by the food of our culture and its rich flavors. Every chance I get I try to help and learn from my grandmother, on my dad’s side, with making dishes for events or holidays such as birthdays and Christmas. I love cooking because when it’s done right it can bring people together and let them have an experience that they can share. In my family we have family friends that own a restaurant that has been in his family for a long time. I look up to him because i go there a lot with my family, and I see how happy he can make his customers, that have been going there ever since and are more like long time friends, so happy and welcomed. Almost everyone in my family has said ‘we should have our own restaurant or businesses’ at one point or another.  
               In the future my goal is to make that pounder or thought into a reality, by going to college and becoming a Hospitality/Restaurant/Business major and opening my own hotel/restaurant. Before my senior year I did not know that I wanted this, I thought I wanted to go into graphic designing. I like art and creating things that can have a deeper meaning, but now I realized that isn’t completely relevant with the way I think any more. By cooking and owning my own business I can give a deeper meaning through my food and experience that people would get by being at my hotel. My hopes and dreams revolve around this goal and it is what I truly look forward to in the future. I know I will try my hardest and do whatever it takes to make this goal be realistic because it will make me feel accomplished in life, and I will have become independent in a way I’m comfortable in and be able to offer that feeling of comfort and joy to others.

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