Monday, September 12, 2011

(free) magical forest?

let your mind go blank, think about that now. what does it look like? this is just something that came up when i let my mind go blank :)

Mountainous trees, the reddest redwoods, they all climb higher and higher with a dark burnt moss growing on their sides and into the cracks and crevasses of their bodies. You could smell the freshness of the thin waxy leaves dangling in the twilight mist. The sky is quite blue, when you can look past the thick screens which are made of the leaves on long lean arm like branches. The location of this forest is known to few, only the ones that live there can know. With not many animals and creatures dwelling in this magical forest, one would think that no life exists; it is too dark every second of the day. Time never travels while in this forest, only the legend of which travels. It is not common sense for these creatures that live on this unknown hillside surrounded by trees, to know that they are being cut off from others like their own kind. It is too quiet all the time, it is too enchanting to have real living beings in it; one would expect a creature such as a unicorn or a leprechaun to live here. But as the black blue night comes to a fall, you can see the sparkling tear like dew being created from the night’s sadness to leave cover the plants and moss beneath the skyscraper-esque trees. And with the new day starting, a new legend begins that contains the description of these creatures and what they do in this magical forest.

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